Can You Handle It?

Monday, December 20, 2004


It was TimRex big night at Webster Hall. December 9th. He went on about 1:49am. My plan for the night was to be home by 1:30am. That didn’t happen. It was Sean and Alberto’s birthday so we went to Sea in Williamsburg for dinner. Isa and I went over to her apartment in the city to get ready for this adventurous night. I had my Diesel jeans and a shirt I just bought that totally showed cleavage. It was awesome. The only problem, my boots, they didn’t go with the outfit.

“Isa do you have a pair of shoes I can borrow for tonight?”

She was so kind and showed me to her bedroom and opened her closet door. Most of her shoes were hanging in one of those shoe holders you hang on your door. There really wasn’t anything that would go except for these real cool dark pink high heals. I think they were a 9 ½ , they fit but my skinny big ass foot was too thin for them. I could walk in them but with every other step they would slip out just a bit. Not very comfortable in the rain. Oh yeah it was raining. GREAT! Isa thought there were going to be too big, but I was determined to have these shoes on.

“Hey Isa, do you have cotton balls? I’m going to stuff them in the front of these damn shoes so they’ll fit better.”

And I did. Isa and I shared a small umbrella as my poor Mohawk was being squished by my hood that pressed down to my face. Ahhh. I had on gold and green eye shadow and bright pink lipstick. My huge lips were just out there. I had on Isa’s earrings. They went perfect with the outfit. It was cold and wet. We took the bus to the train, but stopped at a bank to get some mula before jumping on the train. So we're on the train, and I’m sitting down while Isa is standing above me. I tried talking to her, but she couldn’t here me with that stupid vent above her head. I had no idea where in Williamsburg we were going. We get out of the train and start asking strangers where the heck North 6th Street was. The dude with the cigarette is trying to stay dry under an awning and pointed to were Sea is located. So we go, we thought we were late. We were meeting Geoffrey the Giraffe, Rob, Alberto, Sean and The Transporter for dinner. We get there and no one is there. I call Geoffrey the Giraffe and he said that he was in his car on the way there, when I screamed really loud


I come to find out later he didn’t lie, he wasn’t at home, he was at someone else’s house. I was still right! I tried calling The Transporter, but he wouldn’t pick up. He was on another call. I automatically thought that these guys were playing a trick on me and they were on the phone with one another scheming. I thought they didn’t want to go to dinner anymore and they had us there waiting and waiting. Isa and I went to the bar. She got herself a Grey Goose and Tonic. I hate tonic I think it has a nasty taste. She asked me if I wanted anything, I said

"No, I need some food in my stomach I am starving."

So then we sat on a large swing. I ended up hitting people with the swing as they walked by. This restaurant has one of the best atmospheres. The Transporter was the first boy to arrive. The other freaks arrived 15 minutes later, which seemed like an eternity to my hunger pains. We ate! I sent my shrimp dish back to be cooked. It didn’t taste good, as if it wasn’t cooked all the way. So as I ate my Spit on the Shrimp dish, I finished my Pomegranate Mojito. Took photos of everyone around the table. We left.

We parked a block and a half away from Webster Hall. Again walking in the rain with my pink cotton filled high heals. We meet Mia at the door and walk in. We’re on stage and the music is nuts. Complimentary drinks till 1am. Yay! Everyone drinks up, I only have one drink, my tummy was bothering me from the food. I was playing match maker. The Transporter and Isa. They seemed to like one another, Isa really liked him. You know how men are, they see friend they haven’t seen in forever and totally forget about a girl. So he tried to split his time, but then… yes there is a but then… his ex seeing girl or what ever she was shows up. Isa is heart broken and I’m pissed off. At the end of the night he apologizes to Isa. So everyone is drunk, but me. I love that, I get to see how retarded they all get and end up becoming the designated driver. I keep asking TimRex when the hell are you going on. He didn’t have a clue. There were two performances before him and I was upset with them.

I keep telling TimRex "that should be me and why the heck in the world do they have that piece of shit singing?"

He agreed. He went on, the crowd’s reaction blew the place up. The crowd didn’t give two shits either for the other two performers. I was so proud of Tim I almost cried. Took more pictures there and now have them downloaded on my comp to always reflect on the night. Isa, ran into a cab without me knowing while Rob and Sean were wrestling outside the club in the garbage. Mia slept over. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and once I got back to my room, Mia was laying down half asleep asking me

“What time is it?” I answered. “It’s past 4, its 4:19am.” She looks at me and says Oh and instantly turns her head and starts snoring. I almost fell from laughing so hard.


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