Can You Handle It?

Monday, January 03, 2005

Is This How It Starts???

Why is it that, I always tend to pick the wrong seat to sit in on the damn train? Because, that’s the way my life is. Either it’s to tight, but who the hell wants to stand?, or sit across from someone who give you nasty stares as if you just killed their dog. Today, I sit and I sit next to the person who either had way too many beans or some animal died in their stomach. No one but the person who farted knows who did it. The sucky part is, it’s always the person next to me and people probably think it's me. It was some Chinese dude. I just wanted to bitch slap him. I woke up this morning nauseous as hell, but I had to get up, I don’t have any sick days till tomorrow. So here I am sitting next to this farting asshole and all I wanted to do was to throw up in his lap. I was wishing he would get off on an early stop, but this mofo was on for my whole ride. Is this how my New Year starts going to work?? Cha Fai??


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