Can You Handle It?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Understand Me

I was thinking. Thinking about the Miserable Thing. Everyone, and I mean every single being knows someone or hears someone talk about their sad sorry life. Some people do it for attention and some of them make it sad so they can be somewhat interesting to people. Me? Well, I blog about my life, it just might seem like a sad sorry life, but I don’t define it as sad, miserable or bad or tough. I just call it life. Isn’t this what life is all about? I also like to share my life not because I want them to feel bad for me; because I don’t want anyone to feel bad for me at all. I want people just to respect me, respect with what is going on in my life and understand where I’m coming from. My stories molded me and that’s what you get. So don’t feel bad, just relate or have some good advice. Say something nice and don’t try to top your problem with mine, I’m looking for someone to confide in not to compete sad stories. I’m not saying people do this to me, but I realized that people do it in general to people. I’m very observant. I’m like my cat, always around and my ears move to where there’s noise. I can pay attention to what I’m doing and listen or watch something else and sulk it all in. There’s a lot of people out there who just tell there friends.

“Oh please, you are so dramatic!”

They only say that because what they really want to say is…

“You are so idiotic, grow up.”
“I’m tired of your retarded drama.”
“Pah lease.”
“You won’t get any sympathy from me.”

All that good stuff and more is what they really mean. We all have our bad days, but in general the bad days have me. I try not to sulk in them, well that’s because I really can’t remember them. I only remember them when I’m in them. I remember what they bad days make me feel. Once that day goes, the anger is still inside me, but the action fades away in my mind, but the feeling… well it’s still there. Like a scar. I crack jokes here and there, not because I want to laugh and feel better, it’s because it’s natural. I’m just a naturally funny person. My mother’s cousin Adela in Palermo said that the camera should be on me (I was taping a lot in Sicily); she said I was very animated. I would be talking about a serious matter and they would fall off their chair. I put things to ease and I like that. I just wish I can entertain myself naturally some how. Ease myself. Did you ever get so mad at something and it gets you so mad that in the end you can’t even remember what it was that got you so mad, but that fire just is burning up inside building higher flames? Well that’s me with my life. Scarred! So just try to respect and understand me.


Blogger Charlie Mc said...

Just be yourself, that's all anyone should want or expect from you. People have to love you for all of you......people should listen to you because they want to out of love and respect......not out of sympathy or some other bullshit! :)

10:49 AM  

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