Can You Handle It?

Monday, February 28, 2005

The Escolator

I really don’t think Anger Management is an issue with this situation. Well, I don’t think I need it, but I think it is only human to get angry at this particular situation.

Here is the situation.

This Bitch right? OK OK I will not start it that way.

Friday morning, I walked out of my house and I felt some sort of peace. It was a bright day. The sun was reflecting off the white ground. Normally I’m annoyed to walk through the snow so early in the morning, only because it slows down my pace and I can’t help to think I’m going to slip and break some sort of bone in my body, but that morning, everything just seemed so quiet, even the passing traffic. I felt at ease and took in some deep breathes only to make my chest hurt like a bitch and cough up my left lung, but that’s only because my asthma sucks big freaking hoohoo’s. I enjoyed every minute of it and actually didn’t care if I was going to be late for work. I was taking in the peace.

I get on the train, transfer and get on another train to get out on my stop. I walk up the stairs through the building and then, here we go, the escalators. I was wearing my big look at my feet I’m a big clown rain boots. I must have taken 3 steps where I tripped. I slightly touched this woman’s luggage, it was one of those small ones and it had wheels and a long handle. My elbow slightly touched the handle. She made the nastiest sound come out of her (I should have punched the shit out of) mouth. Tss!!! That shit was loud, and as I was falling about to destroy my face, I was saying sorry on my way down. Once I got my balance and saved myself from injuring my face (this is only because I put my hand out and pushed myself up real quick on the step ahead of me), I realized that this fucking piece of shit of a human pissed me the fuck off. I turned around and looked at her. She was giving me a real ugly fucked up look. So, me being me, I told her off.

I turned and put my hand out to her with my palm facing up and said loudly with a lot of anger (OK fine I yelled at the woman),

“I almost fell, no need for a nasty attitude.”

I was contemplating if I should wait for her at the top and trip her and kick her real hard. But of course I was running a few minutes late for work, so I hesitated the thought and then just let it pass me as I swung open every door really hard almost knocking who ever was in the way.


Blogger Charlie Mc said...

The truth is that woman will be the first bitch to hit somebody with that luggage and not say sorry or use up a seat on the train or bus for it and not feel a bit guilty. I would have kicked it and spit on it! People are unreal. I'd rather live with animals than amongst people!

1:04 PM  

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