Can You Handle It?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

What Does It Really Mean?

I don’t know why, but I’ve been having dreams for a while now that my mom has been cheating on my father. The first dream that I can remember was catching her at a place and finding out that she was cheating on my father with another woman. I cried and cried so much in my dream and was torn. I had cried as if someone just died. Then I had more but can’t remember the details. Last night, I had a dream that we were in our old house and my dad was in bed and I had asked him where my mom was, and he didn’t know. I walked into the laundry room which was in the garage and got a message that she went to the movies. I was furious. My mom at the movies? Why? For what? WITH WHO? I knew she was cheating on my father and I felt remorseful for my him. I approached my mom by the dryer and asked her, well really screaming “Who did you go to the movies with?”

She told me to shh and was about to tell me and we got interrupted. I knew right there and then it was with another man and I cried. Cried like if I was mourning once again. It felt so real that when I woke up I was still mad at my mother. My mom is 62, my dad 71, they live in Florida and that’s it. Never would either one cheat on each other. So why do I keep having these nightmares? What does it really mean? These mysterious dreams wake me up scarred, and the haunting part is, that it never happened.


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