Can You Handle It?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I went out Saturday night with my friends and had an awesome time. Got lost getting there and got lost getting home. I wasn't driving, but even if I was and didn't have any directions I would have gotten us all lost too. We finally got back into the neighborhood at 6am and decided to go for breakfast. When I slipped into my bed the clock showed it was 6:40am. By the time I fell asleep it was already day light, actually it was already getting light when I walked into my apartment from what I saw looking through the blinds of my door in the kitchen to the back yard. Today, I get an e-mail from my friend Sandrah.

S: So, how was Saturday night?

C: It was good. Small and they can smoke there, so I couldn't dance for to long, my asthma kicked in and now I'm suffering even more.

S: Nice. meet anyone?

C: Actually yes I did, but I had no interest. LOL. I met the drummer. He performed with Timmy and the guys from that. The rest where annoying bopping retards and the others were my friends. Hmmm maybe you should meet this guy Geoffrey. You know hang out. LOL. You'll have a ball. He's one of my friends. Kind of resemble Ty Pennington.

S: Why dont u ever have an interest??Yea u mentioned the Ty look-alike - I dont think so lol. As friends sure. we can all hang out.

C: Yeah that's what i meant. He's really fun to hang out with. Well the drummer wasn't really my type, not like I have a type. But he was short and looked very young. I was just having fun. I was dancing with him. Why do I have to always be interested in every guy I meet? I'm just going out to have a good time. If someone does strike me of interest it'll happen on it's own not me going out looking for it.

S: I know ur not looking for it, but everytime u go out & meet someone - he's not ur type lol. Is anyone ever going to interest you? Why dont you try ....?

C: HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO! NO THANK YOU. I'm fine all by myself. I've got other priorities in my life and it's my music and finding my happiness with my everyday life. I've been single my entire life and I've lived with out a relationship. I'm fine, really. Funny idea, but it's not for me. Time will bring someone to me and when it does I'll be happy with it.

S: Ok :)

And that was it. My talk on not wanting to find anyone interesting. I'm fine, really, all by myself.


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