Can You Handle It?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I Already Told...

I wish I were in bed!! It's snowing and I feel dizzy hacking up my lungs. I can picture it now. I can see my electric blanket dial glowing on 8 as I lay so comfy reading by book "The Lovely Bones" making my eyes very tired and waking up to it being Saturday for at least 4 days straight. YAY! All these people passing my cubicle are making me even dizzier. STOP IT FREAKS!! STOP WALKING PASS MY CUBICLE!! Ok I am not looking up anymore; I’ll just have to throw something at the next person who walks by. A rubber band? My high lighter? Or maybe my telephone and tell them to call someone to help them off the floor after I’ve knocked them out!!! Well they won’t be able to call anyone if they’re knocked out. Doesn’t matter I won’t be dizzy anymore. That might cause a crowd of people to come over though ehh. What will tomorrow bring me? I already told Ann and Mia that I would be going with them to a Jam session and Mia's boss is having a little get together after a party at a gallery for an artist. So we have to decide how we are going to do all three or maybe just two.

Tomorrow - My alarm will go off at 6:20 just to warn me that I would actually have to get out of bed soon. I’ll set the alarm again to 7:10 and slowly get out of bed asking myself if I should go to work or stay home. I’d accidentally kick my cat off the bed with the decision that it’s off to work I go. It’s going to be cold. I’ll be at work, bored out of my wits. I’ll probably cough up my other lung since I already coughed one of them today and drag myself out with Ann and Mia. Mia and I will have to wait for Ann to get out of work at 7 since Mia and I get out at 5:30. We could go to the gallery and look at some beautiful paintings and then meet up with Ann at the studio. It’s all up to Mia and really up to me if I make it into work tomorrow; I’m feeling like crud man. I think I’m getting a cold damn it, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am so totally picking my nose now in my cubicle. I blew my nose and lost my hearing in my left ear, I think I lost an eye in that action also. I stuck my tissue in all the way up my nose and picked it out. I really don’t give a rat’s ass if anyone sees me. They’ll probably stop walking by my cubicle then.


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