Can You Handle It?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

This Mornings Dream

I knew I had to call last night, but I didn’t. I called this morning to find out what time I had to be at the studio in Yonkers. I had my alarm set for 10am, but of course like everyone else in the world, the time is set a few minutes faster. I always open my eyes way before the alarm and have a rough time getting back to sleep. Once I fell, I had a dream.

It was supposedly at my apartment but for the life of me could not recognize it. My second oldest brother Lucio was in the corridor with my youngest brother Giovanni looking for an aspirin. The odd part is that Giovanni was about 10 years old in my dream while Lucio was as old as he his now. I said I had prescribed ibuprofen and asked what was wrong. Giovanni was holding his mouth and Lucio told me that it was his tooth hurting. They didn’t want my medication and left to look for some aspirin.

I grabbed the phone as I walked into the living room and found my parents there. They live in Florida and I’m guessing they were in my apartment because they were visiting. From the living room I walked over to the kitchen and noticed out the back yard door that the orange striped cat I always see in real life in my yard was pouncing onto a small little bird. With its two front paws the little bird’s wings were held down as the cat bit into its head. I was mortified, and as the cat dug its teeth into the head I saw blood splatter. The bird was still alive; I just wanted to save it. The cat walks away, but this time the cat is so big and its mouth was huge as it gagged on the bird’s blood. The cat didn’t like what he tasted.

I was in shock everything all went down in slow motion. I picked up the phone to call one of the producers. There was commotion going on but at the same time there was silence. I was trying to make arrangements to go to Yonkers for a session, but I had to give him the bad news that I might not be able to make it today. My parents were in my bed and I asked them when they were leaving for Florida. They said the 18th maybe the 21st. I told the producer that my family was in and couldn’t make it, but I was still trying to get there today. My mom said she had things to do today that didn’t include my presence so I thought maybe I could make the studio. That was that.

So now it flashes into a large x-ray room at a hospital. There is my brother Martino who has been dead for 10 years in real life laying on top of an x-ray machine, but it had covers like a tanning bed but flat. They were going to operate on him. Then they closed the upper part and took an x-ray, but I was the one holding it down and I was worried about being so close to the x-ray, I didn’t take in a deep breath, I was worried about my ovaries because I was exposed. The nurse then looked at the developed x-ray and she points out to me that my brother has two slipped disks. She scans her finger from the top of his neck all the way to the lumber part of his back. There they were, and the astonished nurse couldn’t believe how far out his disks were bulging out. They started to operate.

I went outside the operating room and started to cry hysterically. I popped my head in and told the surgeon to please be careful because 10 years ago he died and came back to life. Meaning his heart stopped but it started again. I cried and cried, scared that he was going to die on that operating table. He was face down and the surgeon took a saw machine to open up his back I saw blood everywhere, I thought my brother wasn’t going to make it. In the corridor of the operating room I heard the surgeon tell my brother to hold on and not to let go. He called my brother Stevan. The surgeon called me in to talk to my brother to keep him with us. So I did.

“Martino, don’t worry they are doing a great job, everything is going to be ok. You’ll be fine. I can’t wait to see you.”
And that my friend, kept my brother alive. Though I was crying hysterical as I was talking to him I knew that he was going to make it, but in reality when I woke up, he was dead.


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