Can You Handle It?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Did Someone Say Psychologist?

THE HISTORY. Hope and Frick went out for two years. Hope met Frick at his very own basement apartment the night all us girls where invited for dinner. Us girls, met Frick through another friend GT. He introduced us to his entire little gang. It was friendship at first sight. Then Hope and Frick decided to have an attraction towards one another. At first, I thought it was cool, but at the same time I knew that Frick was not for Hope, he was totally not her type nor anything like the other men she was with in her life. They took a chance and it was all good IN THE BEGINNING. Hope and I have an inside joke about that, I always tell her to take it slow not to fall to fast and hard, because everything is always dandy “IN THE BEGINNING“. Till this day, I keep saying I’m going to write a song about it.

THE DRAMA. Two years down the line, Hope came to find out the true person Frick ended up to be. He’s a great person, but not a great significant other for her. They’ve been through some good times, but then came out his true colors. His controlling ways, his lies, his exaggeration. Don’t get me wrong there’s real good qualities. He does have a big heart, but he uses it also to put it in her face. He’s generous, only because he thinks it will buy him love from friends and especially from the woman he loves. He would be a great person if he would get that mentality out oh his head, he’s a great person without trying to prove something and when he tries to prove something it’s always negative. His controlling ways derives from wanting to be the FATHER FIGURE. You see he lost his dad a long time ago. His dad was a cop and well Frick is a cop now, honestly, I think that is what the whole dilemma is. He has not accepted or should I say has not dealt with the absence of his father. So in turn, he’s fucked up in the head. You know a little touched in the knock knock anyone home head.

Ok so things didn’t work out between Frick and Hope. Frick hasn’t learned to let go of Hope and well won’t leave her alone. He constantly texts her outrageous things and well you know how it goes when the ex becomes the psycho ex. He blames everyone but himself that they are not together. That’s where I come in. Sad part is him and I were friends till this very day I’m typing this blog. Hope on the other hand is my best friend from childhood. She’s not only my good friend but she’s also like a little sister to me. I would tell her to not bother with him if she didn‘t want anything to do with him anymore, ignore the harassing text and voicemails. He even sent her threats over the phone. He turned out to be a cruel touched in the head person indeed. So as you know, I was planning my birthday party, by the way it was a great time, and well they are both my friends and they were both invited. Frick had to ruin it all. He had to harass her once again after she told him billions of times to stop communicating with her, that the abusive text messages where harassment. He did not listen. Hope called me a few days before my birthday party to tell me that she is not coming to the party because he will not stop and she isn’t going to be in the same room with him, that he is damaging her soul. Now come on, she is my best friend. I will not allow that. I cursed her out saying she better come and that I will kick her fucking ass and that I was going to call Frick and let him know not to come to my party. I think I actually text him saying that I’m really sorry but Hope feels very uncomfortable with you being at my party, and I do not want any drama at my party and she is my best friend and he should understand that I want both of them there, but it will only cause problems. Well well did that cause problems. I spoke with him and he was like fine, but upset. I had also text him that we can go out another night to celebrate. He text her and harasses her with a message that he thanks her for having him dis invited. That my friend was his made up word. Ok so now, besides him thinking I had something to do with their not getting back together (he’s nuts) and now me telling him to please not to come to my party because I didn’t want any drama, he truly hates the fucking shit out of me. Heck, but friends are friends and they should understand. So after all that, he started texting me all crazy things how he was going to crash my party blah blah blah. Of course he wasn’t.

NOW TO TODAY. It’s the 5th of July and I’m in Florida visiting my family. Today happens to be Frick’s birthday. I text him

“Happy Birthday!”

He texts me back and I will type it exactly how he sent it to me.


Now once again my friend, this fucker doesn’t know who he’s fucking with. That is where he lost my friendship. So I did the mature thing and ignored his text and just took him right out of my heart.

Oh it doesn’t end. He continued with texting me a novel. I accidentally erased the first one after the BLOW ME text. Now read on and please just comment on it, I really want to make sure that he really does need psychological help. Hang on it’s going to be a thrill ride.

“clan will realize That. What it means to be a real person. Just remember it all comes back to ya. Life is funny like will see ; ) Real friends bring life never TRY AND destroy it. Iwill always KEEP and never will not LOSE my hearth of gold. But you have got to be kidding me. what I could may have used was a friend. DEF. Not a HIPROCRIT. Giving me PITTY. Funny thing is I probably was one of the most real sincere personS you girls have ever met. it’s a shame the way you ALL turn. Go play with some other toy soldier this one is fed up.”

Then after that 8th one I get this, of course I still have not replied to any of it.

“r ever have ever done any good. Oh not to mention I HARASS People and am never fun to have at a party. Im just so unhappy. wha will I ever do wit my whittle…

…Besides what would you want to know someone like me for im the big bad wolf remember. you know I open studios to control people only a trouble maker. neve….

(I think this one was to come first then the one above, but that’s not how I got it on my phone, it makes more sense this way)

…oh self. Im so bad. Disgusting YUCK. Who will I ever find. Im going to did lonely rite. LOL You have a nice day thanks for the POTHETIC PITTY.”

Still I did not reply to his idiotic touched in the head thoughts. He sends another text. Now remember all I did was text him HAPPY BIRHTDAY!

“SPEECH LES HUH cause you know im rite. Truth hurts. Shallow people only hurt themselves.

Ha ha ha ha is this fucker kidding me. You see for all you people who do not know me, I’m far from shallow and I’m one not to be fucked with. I know, I know a lot of people say that, but truly, you do not want to get on my bad side.

I had to put this fucker in his place so this is what I sent him through an IM on to his phone.

“STOP blowing up my phone with nonsense. U lost me as a friend when U said blow me, when I wished U a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! U didn't ask for pity verbally N U never got it from me and never will. U only said it because deep inside that's what U want. Please don't bother me w/ another txt. Frick it was nice knowing you. Look in the mirror and find the shallowness inside urself. You're SAD and I don't mean emotions I mean YOU'RE THE PATHETIC ONE! U want to throw fire with words,I'm the pro. I'm not one to be crossed”

He replied, of course he did why wouldn’t a touched in the head person not listen to what I just said?

“Please don't bother me w/ another txt” Did I mention he’s a great listener? YEAH RIGHT!

“Hey whatever man you lost a friend when you mistakened me for a weak piece of shit.shallow Minded two faced non spiritual non trusting people i have no time for.If you want to be a friend well then You girls should all learn from mistakes. Like i said dont need ya def dont want.its called CharmA .be real in life .thats when you will be happy but please honestly dont need the PITTY From ya .you did what you thought was now im doing what i know is rite.SUCEEDING In a positive way.Same way i did when i lost my do me a favor .FUCk before i start PITTYING YOU.ya see when you dont get abused in life you actually look and feel i said my life is my revenge ;-) bye pal.stay real”

Again I didn’t reply because I will not stoop down to his level. A minute after the IM my phone starts blowing up again. SURPRISE IT’S FRICK!!!

“OH YEAH . Thanks for the birthday kisses ; - )”

Then the other.

“OOPS That’s gotta Truth always does”


“Boy I hope you got all those messages. Cause I feel really good getting that off my chest. now you know why I was born after the forth . Just like a fire cracker.”

Oh he got that right he’s a CRACKER!!! CRACKED IN THE FUCKING HEAD!

Wait there’s more.

It sucks losing people you were close with doesnt you know how it feels”

Still more.

“Sorry man you made me feel like shit first.numerous times. Now I have to CELABRATE My birth day.remember actions are much more valuable than words will ever be.bye

Now that is all from me telling him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Who the hell is he to tell me about losing someone close to you and how it sucks. It’s been 10 miserable fucking years I lost my brother from a heart attack, he’s gone and I’m not fucking touched in the head! CIA FAI? (cha - fai, definition - Are you fucking kidding me you FUCK FACE?) He needs a dictionary the next time he decides to text people. Like he said Karma about Karma. Well I say WATCH OUT FRICK KARMA IS A BIG BITCH AND SHE’S OUT TO FUCKING GET YA!! So next time anyone wants to wish someone a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Make sure they aren’t touched in the head… Did someone say someone needs a psychologist?


Anonymous Anonymous said... I'm hope. All I have to say is I'm so glad you have seen what he has put me through. I am not glad that he put you through some shit as well!!! It's so sad how I have taken two steps back instead of two steps forward when I started this relationship. The reason why we were together is that he was a wonderful man in some ways...but guess what? ... ....those wonderful ways had a price tag on it. If we had an argument he would throw all the wonderful little things he use to do for me, in my face!!!...umm how is that love? ..and what does that have to do with the argument? I think deep down he really wasn't so nice...otherwise he wouldn't be angry about the little thoughtful things he would do for me. So anything that was ever good between us was tarnished. arguments would seem to sometimes get solved...only to show up in the next one, as if it was never if we never talked about it and solved it! He doesn't have an once of logic in his brain. I cannot tell you how much unscrambling I have to do to my brain. I fucked with myself big time. Well...that's what happens when the most truest form of love one ever experiences dies in an instant...ur on a rebound...I was so on a rebound that it took me 2 and a half years to pick myself up and snap out of the dissapointment.... that true love can really be nothing but infactaution. No one has ever closed me up spiritually as much as this man has...and what bothers me more is that he goes around yapping his pretty little conclusions and delusions to other people and I think sadly, some people fall for it. I use to look at these type of relationships as people who don't have the brain capacity, self evolution and logic to put themselves in a better situation. So tell me I didn't fuck myself in the ass?

9:04 PM  
Blogger Charlie Mc said...

most cops are fucked in the head....that's a fact......he sounds like one scary fucker. it's good to know he's out there "protecting" us all as a police officer.....

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most cops ARE NOT fucked up in the head and it's not right to say what he does for a living. This is supposed to be anonymous!

12:16 PM  
Blogger CiaFai said...

I agree with Mr. Anonymous, not most cops are fucked up in the head. Some people in general are fucked up in the head and this one particular person well he's a bit touched in the head. Cop or not, he is a person, it has nothing to do with his career.

Plus, I was just showing how Frick wanted to be like his dad, who was a cop and another psychological reason being a cop is to protect, another father figure thing Frick is reaching out for.

12:40 PM  

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