Can You Handle It?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dr. Feel Good

Saturday night Mia and I get to the club. Earlier that day, on my way to my nephew’s first birthday party I get a call from this guy. The story behind this guy Frank is a stranger that I might know, if that makes any sense. I had gone out with my friend Christy and her two children Tuesday. I had to buy a gift for my cousin who just had a baby girl. After Babies R Us, we went to visit Christy’s husband at his job, which is a pizzeria. We walk in and say our hellos. I go to the bathroom and when I come back, we say our goodbyes. When we got outside I had told Christy that one of the guys in there looked very familiar. He was actually playing with the children when we were on our way out. I didn’t want to stare at him because I thought it might have been rude. So I took a quick glance at him and found him familiar. Though I didn’t speak a word to him, I wanted to know who the heck he was. I left it at that with Christy, and there was no connection on where I knew this guy.

Later that day, I was over my cousin’s house when Christy rang my phone. She asked me to guess who just called her. I had no idea and like a big dummy I said give me one guess. I meant to say give me a hint. DUHHHH! She said Frank. I told her so much for me guessing, then I realized that I said give me a guess. He called her because he thought he knew me from somewhere and wanted to take me out to dinner. I really didn’t want to go, but only because I thought I might have known him from somewhere I would, but then again I didn’t. So it all came down to going because it was Christy’s husbands boss and well just to make things look good for him. She asked if I wanted his number I said no. So then she asked if he could have mine. I contemplated then told her to give my cell number.

The dude calls me and it ends up that we are both going to the same club that night. How ironic. Someone please help me. Frank tells me where he’ll be hanging out. I told him to give me a call when he was there. He was out with friends and cousins for his birthday. By the way he’s 4 years younger than me. He called while my friend was using my phone so I didn’t know till I came back from walking around the club. I figured where he would be so I went over, let me tell you, I didn’t know him from a whole in the fucking wall. I thought I might have known him from going out, but the way he was dressed totally took the mystery away. I even had all my friends checking him out, they didn’t know him. He was so drunk off his ass and bought me and my friends drinks. Hee hee what the heck, why not? He was way to comfortable with his hands on my ass which I didn’t like, and gave him the dirty look. I told him I would be right back because I needed to talk to my friend real quick. The other friend was the dude I kissed that night the cop saw my ass.

The Kissing Dude gave me his number that night we kissed. I never called. Why? Well to be honest, I wasn’t that attracted to him, but I knew I would see him again. I thought it could be a friendship. I liked the dude, to hang out with, he’s a ball, but when it comes to having some sort of relationship it’s not going any further than a friendship. So I hesitated on the call back. Then too much shit was going on. I got a call that I was getting a job. My sister in law goes into early contractions and has to take it easy. My Aunt and Uncle are here from Rome visiting and they are taking me to their friend’s house. My niece got bit in the face by a dog. I had too many things going on that were more important than me giving KD a call. Someone who I wasn’t really into in that way. He definitely showed interest in me so you would have thought he would have taken my number, but he gave me that act that my phone battery died. I said yeah sure and he was about to show me and I didn’t want to be bothered. Plus, he’s friends with one of my guy friends, if he was so interested in me he could have asked for my number. Any hoots, I knew he was there that night at the club. I wanted to apologize for not calling and didn’t want to make things awkward. He told me not to stress about it. HA is this guy kidding me? I wasn’t stressing at all I was just being respectful and considerate. I felt bad so I thought to make things better. So it turns out that he’s more interested talking to other people and in some crazy way it had upset me. I wanted to have a good time with him, meaning dance and bullshit. It never works out that way. Later on we ended up talking and we held hands through the club looking for our friends, we danced and that was it. He had my number in his phone because that’s how I got him to come over to me. I was in the VIP section and told him to come over. He didn’t know who was calling so when he walked through the doors I screamed over to him that it was me. Anyway, so he goes down to his recent calls and says is this your number? And it was, so he supposedly saved it. He said ok. Never got a call. I don’t care and I do. I just thought it was crazy how I never have any guys around to talk to in a club and that one night I had two. One who was a complete dumb ass drunk and the other who didn’t care to see me. My friends kept telling me that they can see that he likes me. I told them PLEASE! He doesn’t and I don’t care.
I went back to my friends who were near Frank and then I guess he must of sensed the annoyance I had with him so he went to give me a handshake to say it was nice and he had to go. HA!! Dumped twice and I didn’t even want either of them. What bothers me is that it would have been nice, that at least one person would walk away that night liking me in some sort of way. It just makes me feel good.


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