Can You Handle It?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It Always Comes In Threes

It always comes in threes.

Sunday Mia and I were invited to my friend Drea’s BBQ. It was also her brother giving the party. I got there at around 6pm and Mia got there at, I don’t even remember. The party started at 4. I had to eat before I went over; heck there was all meat. Couldn’t go over there starved I would have died. I had a great time and we left a bit pass midnight.

On the corner of my house there is this fenced in house, they have this huge rot wilder and well I had seen a different dog that night laying in there on my way home from the BBQ. I saw the owners come out and asked if they had gotten a new dog, she said no that it was a stray and the man who was out there with her said that they think he got hit by a car. This dog looked so sad. I wanted to cry. The woman said she wanted to kill the neighbors because they were bitching that the dog was making too much noise. The poor dog was crying. Probably because he was in so much pain and missed his owner. I just wanted to hug this dog, take him in, but I couldn’t. His chain was broke and he must have ran when that happened. My heart cringed for this dog. I wanted him to find his home. These people had to stay out with the dog all night because the animal shelter wasn’t open till 8 am the next day. Me an Mia walked a few houses down feeling really bad for him. I wanted to put him in my yard, but the woman told me he had fleas. I told her that I don’t think my cat would have liked that. This poor dog. I hope he’s ok now.

We get in and Mia gets into her PJ’s and get on line to check my email hoping someone was asking me to come in for an interview. Yeah right, nothing. My house phone rings and Mia is closest to the phone, She says it’s my sister. My heart stopped, I got nervous. My sister never calls this late. I hear Mia say


I took the phone and asked her what was going on that she was getting me real nervous.

Her daughter, my four-year-old niece was bit in the face by my sister’s friends dog. She told me that the hole was as big as a dime and as deep as the width of a dime. My stomach turned my chest tightened up I felt sick and felt my asthmas starting to kick in. I was scared. I asked where in her face was she bitten and she said her mouth. I asked how many stitches, she said two. Two? Oh man you got me all scared. Thing is they didn’t close the whole thing because supposedly they don’t normally stitch up dog bites unless it in the face and well the dogs germs need to ooze out and if they had stitched her all up that can’t happen. I just wanted to jump on a plane and hold my niece. I couldn’t do a damn thing. I was helpless. That only made me more nervous. I know she’ll be alright, but that’s not why I felt the way I did. I felt that way, because of what she had gone through.

My sister said that she was playing rough with the dog and ended up tripping and falling on it and the dog bit her. Her husband in the back round said that’s not what really happened. She went to go give the dog a kiss and the dog bit her in her face. All I can say is that I am glad it was only her lip and not her cheek or her nose or her eyes. That the dog didn’t get a big chunk of her face and she would be scarred for life. My sister had to get off the phone because she had to call the hospital and find out what to give her if she is in pain.

I told her to call me right back.

I get back on line and my friend had just IM’d me about how her dog was flipping out because she was trying to put in some medicine in his ear and he didn’t want to have it his ear and she didn’t know what to do.

How weird is that. I walk home and see a stray dog in pain. I felt so bad for it and wished I could take him in, but it was impossible. Then my sister calls me two minutes after that to tell that she just got back from the hospital because her daughter got bit in the face by a dog. My precious niece. I love her so much. Then I get off the phone with my sister to sit in front of this monitor and discover my friend IM’ing me at 12:24 in the morning how her dog is flipping out because of some ear medicine.
Then I was thinking about my dream, that it was my sister and my mother taking the baby off my sister in law’s belly. When my sister had to take her daughter off this dog who was biting her face. Baby crying; remember that, just read my entry below this one… well that was my niece crying in real life. Weird. That’s how I can relate my sister’s meaning to that dream.


Blogger Charlie Mc said...

Bruce hasn't flipped out yet! haha

Three's, very true!!!!

8:15 AM  
Blogger CiaFai said...

That poor puppy. I swear I had heaing powers. It's not depressing at all. It shows how caring you are. You did the right thing. Hope she gets better soon.

12:57 PM  

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