Can You Handle It?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I came home today from trying on brides maid dresses and putting down a down payment to the final decision. Like an ass, I locked myself out of the house. I realized it as soon as I heard the door behind me shut. Fucking shit! Ah what a dick. That would be me at this particular moment as I stand there in my hallway hoping that miraculously my keys would appear in my tiny black purse. My poor cat was scratching the door meowing for me. Oh how I love that kid. Yeah that’s right, she’s my child. It was the cutest thing how she was trying to reach for the doorknob with her claws and screaming for me. She knew I was in trouble and well; it just broke my heart listening to her get upset on the other side of the door. I couldn't do anything and neither could she.

I stayed in the hallway because the scorchering heat was not in favor for my tired body. I called my cousin letting her know like a bid dumb dick I locked myself out and couldn't get to the bank to get money for the down payment. I finally thought of calling one of the other bridesmaids and asking if she could pick me up and bring me to the bank. Thank goodness she did. So I called my roommaker and told him that I was locked out and to let me know when he would be home, so I can get in and if I finish before he gets out of work, I would pass by and pick up his keys.

He was home before I was. He opens the door and we walk in. He tells me that my computer went on all by itself once again.



“Isn't this like the 4th time?”

“NO, it’s been going on by itself a lot even when you weren't here.” Meaning when I was away in Florida for 2 and half weeks.

So, I'm already convinced there’s a ghost in the house from when I first moved in here, but she hasn't been bothering us for a while. Though I know she’s here, she hasn't done anything. I guess she got lonely and wanted some attention. Maybe that’s why my cat doesn't sleep on my bed anymore. It was my cat’s haven, my bed that is. She evens slept on my bed when I wasn't home, now she doesn't even want to get on it at all. It’s so weird.
I miss her keeping me company, it brought me comfort knowing I wasn't alone.


Blogger Charlie Mc said...

I'd be afraid of any woman with a "bun"....don't know how you deal with those hauntings!!! :)

9:31 AM  

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