Can You Handle It?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Today I wore my amethyst ring. Let me take you back to a long time ago, but before I do that, the reason I put on my amethyst ring today was because of my second oldest brother. Lucio came over last night with his one year old son. He needed to use my computer. Thing is I have a tower that my brother in law gave me in my living room that is not hooked up. I'm waiting to copy all my files on my current computer and then hooking up the tower my brother in law gave me. Since that tower has XP on it, my brother plugged it in and took my huge monitor from my current computer and started to work on that one in the living room. Then he would put the monitor back where it originally was. As he was putting the huge monitor back on my desk, it fell forward, good thing he wasn't right under it. Everything on my desk went flying. There was a box filled with sentimental things and well, it broke and everything went flying out of it. My gold medal for singing from High School. My name ring that my second oldest brother gave me, My brother Martino's who passed away, sunglasses were in there and there were other things that I can not remember at this particular moment. When my brother and I went scrounging on the floor picking everything up he found another ring. It was the ring Martino gave me a long time ago. Honestly it was a replica of the ring Martino and his ex wife gave to me a very long time ago.

I had a friend from High School who had a younger brother who was trouble. I always took off all my rings and put it by the sink in my old house where I grew up, when I had to wash my face. One day my friend at the time came over and her brother ended up coming over for some reason to talk to her. He had to use the bathroom and well he took forever and a day. My youngest brother brought it up to me and we found it strange. After he left I went into the bathroom and all my jewelry was missing. Every single day I took my rings off and layed it beside that damn sink, nothing ever happened to it till that day long ago. I was furious. I told my friend that her brother was in the bathroom way to long and the reason was because he stole my jewelry. I punched the wall almost making a hole. At the time, my brother Martino was still alive. When my brother passed away, I was so upset when I thought about the ring.

After Martino died I started working with my ex sister in law, Lucio's wife. A man at her job had this book of jewelry that he was selling. There it was. The ring Martino bought me. I saved and saved to end up finally purchasing it. It still hurts me so much when I think about what happen to the one he got me. There was a reason why I saw that ring in that book, my brother was already gone for atleast a year or two, but my heart wanted me to buy it.

So today, I put it on. My amethyst ring.


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